Club Spotlight : The Piano Club

Valerie Capalbo

One of Feehan’s most well known clubs, the “Piano Club”, is a favorite amongst students and teachers alike. The relaxing and inviting atmosphere created on Wednesday mornings in room 103 is something that no one wants to miss out on. The club’s founders, Bridget Sutula and Valerie Capalbo, created the club as freshmen with the intention of having something fun for their friends to look forward to during the week. While it might have been the munchkins that got many members through the door early in the morning, once they were there, they joined in on the fierce piano tiles competition. 

From that competitive atmosphere, the leaderboard was created and members couldn’t wait for the next week to roll around so they could have a chance at improving their spot. As some members are fully immersed in the competition, others simply chat and play relaxing songs to ease their mind before first period. 

Members of the Piano Club also enjoy writing on the whiteboard of Señora Cryan’s room and pretending to be Leonardo Da Vinci at the Louvre. This “no rules” and “anything goes” club is perfect for any Feehan student who is looking for something to be a part of. There are no prerequisites to be a member of the Piano Club, and once you are a member, there are no standards that you must uphold to remain a member. If you are interested in the Piano Club and decide to stop by one Wednesday morning you do not have to commit on the spot to showing up every week or ever again. Come when you can and when you like, there’s no pressure in the Piano Club! 

One of the most notable things about the Piano Club is its instagram page, @bfhspianoclub. The page is home to everything from club updates and leaderboard standings, to piano memes and player of the day reveals. Many students and members look forward to seeing what will appear next on the instagram as it is almost always an unpredictable stream of surprises. The Piano Club instagram page also acts as a place where anyone can leave their questions or concerns through the form of a comment or direct message, and someone running the account will be sure to answer them and clarify any and all confusion. 

During a time in teenagers’ lives where everything around them can seem very stressful and overwhelming, being a part of something as low key and chill as piano club can provide some relief during the troubling times that are high school. Everyone needs a brain break at least once a week, and if Piano Club is able to provide that for someone, it would be a win according to the founders, Bridget and Val. If you or someone you know would be interested in being a part of this laid-back club, stop by room 103 on Wednesday mornings at 7:15am, we’d love to have you!