The stereotypical thoughts of Irish culture are leprechauns, shamrocks, bagpipes, and the irish jig. However, Irish culture has a lot more to appreciate.
This includes a sport called Gaelic Football. This is similar to our sport soccer but they are allowed to handle the ball. The two teams of fifteen each work to get the ball under the crossbar to score a goal, they can also score an “over” by getting the ball over the crossbar. The ball is similar to our soccer ball but smaller and heavier.
Beltane or Bealtaine is a holiday held in Ireland which celebrates the peak of spring and the coming of summer. It’s usually held on May 1st, but must be sometime in between the spring equinox and summer solstice. The Celtic May Day festival is held on this day. This festival includes big bonfires to bring good luck, and dancing around the maypole. The maypole is ten or more feet and decorated with ribbons.
Irish Dance (also known as Irish Step Dancing) is a significant part of Irish Culture. It varies from other dance forms as the dancers need to keep a stiff upper body. There are two different forms of Irish Dance, including a soft shoe and a hard shoe. They can dance in groups or solo, while traditional Irish music is playing. The girls wear short, colorful dresses with their hair curled, or a curled wig for more height while dancing. A popular Irish dance performance called Riverdance is worth watching.
Irish culture has also affected our culture with their many inventions. Color photography, the submarine, the postage stamp, the modern tractor, radiotherapy all originated in Ireland. As well as chocolate milk, flavored chips, and cream crackers. Other important inventions include the hypodermic syringe, portable defibrillator, and a cure for leprosy. The Irish have created many inventions that are hard to imagine living without.