Honoring the memory of Ms. Diane Santos ’83: Helping Nursing Students One Beat at a Time
Future Nurses honored by Mrs. Zervas and Mrs. Gale. (Back row from left to right) Mrs. Zervas, Mrs. Gale, Julia Hunter, Noelle Bernier, Anna Cinelli, Ella Brucato, Camryn Dayaa, Ella Mardirosian, Olivia Franciscus (Front row from left to right) Kacey Thompson, Anna Novio, Alice Taylor, Audrey Bongette, Lianna George
May 31, 2023
Diane Santos, a Feehan graduate of the class of 1983, was a nurse specializing in Neonatal Intensive Care. She was a nurse for over 30 years and had a passion and love for her job.
To honor her and her life, Mrs. Gale and Mrs. Zervas (both from the Bishop Feehan Class of 1983) raised money for our Feehan students going into nursing and one student pursuing a paramedic program. Enough was raised to purchase 13 stethoscopes and supply students with 3 financial scholarships! These gifts, honoring Diane Santos, are beautiful tributes to her and all her accomplishments as a nurse and person. This honor demonstrates her compassion she had for nursing, which now can be passed on to our Feehan graduates who, like Diane, have a passion for nursing.