2023 Bishop Feehan Top Ten
Pictured from Left to Right: (Top) Alice Moore, Jack Toncelli, Connor McHale, Bridget Sutula, Sneha Siwach, (Bottom) Ben Sadler, Dylan Capua, Alysee Moskal, Ishaan Siwach and Ava Mitchell.
May 31, 2023
Valedictorian – Alysse Moskal
Alysse will be attending Boston College in the fall. She is looking forward to going to BC sports games and “having some independence.” She describes her Feehan experience as great, even though she came in not knowing people at a smaller catholic school, she says she enjoyed the “service aspect.” She enjoyed all of her classes but she specifically liked Mrs.Tyler’s English class, AP Physics with Mr.Smith, and Biology with Mrs.Lavertu. Lastly, Alysse’s advice to underclassmen is to “challenge yourself, but don’t go too hard on yourself” as she explains that there’s no need to stress too much over high school. Congratulations Alysse!
Salutatorian – Dylan Capua
Dylan’s Feehan experience was a blast, he said that it was overall a “really positive” experience. He took a lot of classes but his favorites were English III with Mr. Powell and the curriculum in AP US History. His advice for underclassmen at Feehan would be to “pay attention in class,” as he says that school is a lot easier if you pay attention. Dylan, in the fall, will be attending Boston College, along with Alysse, and he is excited to not have a set schedule and have the “ability to go to the gym between classes.” Congratulations Dylan!
Tree Planter – Ishaan Siwach
Ishann, similar to his twin sister Sneha, is incredibly happy to have his sibling in the Top Ten with him. He is most looking forward to “living a more independent life” when he attends the Stevens Institute of Technology (Stevens) in the fall. His advice for underclassmen would be “work hard but don’t work too hard,” saying that underclassmen should always make room for time with friends as well. Ishaan says that he enjoyed his Feehan experience and that all the students and staff were all kind and welcoming. Some of his favorite classes were Intro to Engineering, Precalculus with Mrs.Dolores, and AP Calculus. Congratulations Ishaan!
The Top Ten (in alphabetical order)
Connor McHale
Connor McHale, who will be attending Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the fall, says that his Feehan experience was great, he loved every second. His advice for underclassmen would be to “try and get involved in the Feehan community” and to try and focus on school but also have something else that is not necessarily school to also focus on. Connor took a lot of different courses at Feehan but his favorites were AP Calculus, AP Physics, and AP US History. Lastly, Connor is most looking forward to “different people, different classes, and sports.” Congrats Connor!
Ava Mitchell
Ava is super excited about college, especially “meeting new people and exploring [her] major” when she attends the University of Connecticut (UConn) in the fall. She hopes that underclassmen will “get involved,” saying that even though it sounds “generic” it is the truth. Lastly, she describes her Feehan experience as “awesome,” she loved it, and she took several great classes but her all-time favorites were Calculus, Biology, and AP Literature. Congrats Ava!
Alice Moore
Alice’s advice for underclassmen would be “work hard, but don’t forget to have fun,” and she also says “go to the football games” and “study, but don’t study just for the sake of studying.” She describes her overall Feehan experience as great, she loved every part of it. Some of her favorite classes were Freshman Year Spanish class with Señora Marion, AP Psych with Ms.Corcoran, and Calculus with Mr. Speidel where she had some great memories. Lastly, when Alice attends the University of Connecticut (UConn) in the fall, she hopes to have “more freedom” as she explores college life. Congrats Alice!
Ben Sadler
Ben completed several amazing classes at Feehan but some of his favorites were AP US History, AP Literature, and AP European History. Ben says that his Feehan experience was “pretty cool.” Ben will be going to Stonehill in the fall and he is excited to “figure out what [he wants] to do,” as he doesn’t quite know just yet. Lastly, Ben’s advice to underclassmen is “keep the faith, do your best, and give the rest to God.” Congrats Ben!
Sneha Siwach
Sneha is, first, incredibly proud of her twin brother, Ishaan Siwach, for also making it into the top ten saying it is “great.” Sneha will be going to Bentley in the fall. Sneha is hoping to meet new people when she is at Bentley. She took some pretty great classes but her favorites were Art along with Geometry taught by Mr. Peixoto. Overall, she says her Feehan experience was “great.” Lastly, her advice to underclassmen is “work hard and don’t take the chest way out.” Congrats Sneha!
Bridget Sutula
Bridget will be attending Boston College in the fall. She is super excited to be attending BC and says that she is looking forward to “a new sense of independence.” Bridget says that her Feehan experience was great, not only was the education she received “fantastic” but her teachers were “organized and thoughtful.” She took a lot of amazing classes but some of her favorites were AP Lang with Mr.Kelly, Emergency Medicine with Mr.Keane, and AP Physics with Mr.Smith. Bridget has two pieces of advice. The first being to experiment, she wants underclassmen to try new things and not be afraid to “venture outside of Feehan.” The second piece of advice is to “not overfill your plate,” Bridget explains that instead of crowding your resume, “find something that you’re passionate about.” Congrats Bridget!
Jack Toncelli
Jack says that his Feehan experience was “pretty good,” saying that some of his favorite classes at Feehan have been Computer Science, Physics, and Latin. He is planning on attending Northeastern in the fall and is most excited to “[live] in the city.” Jack’s advice for underclassmen is “don’t memorize.” Congrats Jack!