Prominent Promposals!

Alexandra Burns, Staff Writer/Features Editor

First Promposal: Arianna Simoneau 24’ and Adam Johnson 24’

Arianna Simoneau and Adam Johnson starting the promposals off strong! Arianna promposed to Adam with a series of handwritten signs that ended with a big question, “Prom?” Adam said “Yes,” with not one, but two thumbs up. Arianna was the first person to officially prompose, as she asked Adam on March 3.





Funniest Promposal: Emma Leeuwenburgh 23’ and Andrew Smith 23’

This one takes a little bit of background knowledge to understand. Prior to promposing, Emma and Andrew were driving along Route 1 when they happened to get into a little car crash together. With a clever play on words, Andrew promposed to Emma saying, “We’ve been in a car crash before, but do you wanna crash prom with me?” Emma and Andrew are all smiles with their sign and flowers!




Most Creative Promposal: Yusef Kassem 23’ and Lydia Nassef 23’

One of the most creative promposals at Feehan this year had to be Yusef Kassem’s promposal to Lydia Nassef. If you were out by your car after school that day, you would have been surprised because all of the sudden, George Washington was walking into Feehan. But not actually George Washington, but Yusef, in a wig, hat, and colonial-style military general jacket. Yusef embodied the saying “commit to the bit” and had a witty sign to go along with it.






Best Overall Promposal: Emma Fitzgerald 24’ and Grace McCorry 24’

Emma Fitzgerald’s promposal to Grace McCorry has been crowned the best overall promposal. The sign that Emma created is both funny and creative, Emma took attention to detail when writing “Soulja Girl” and sticking not only a photo of Grace Mccorry but Soulja Boy as well onto the poster. And, Emma, like Yusef, committed to the bit—the backward baseball hat, the Soulja Boy sunglasses, the pose. And to top it all off, she got Grace flowers that, coincidentally or not, match the color scheme of the poster board.