Red Cross Club is Back

Valerie Capalbo, Staff Writer

The Red Cross Club is revived! For the first time since 2019, the Bishop Feehan Red Cross Club is back! The Red Cross club will be restarting its annual blood drive here at Bishop Feehan. The blood drive will be held on Thursday, March 16th. Donations will be accepted during the school day from 8am to 1pm. Students over the age of 17 or 16 year olds with parental consent, as well as faculty members, will have the opportunity to save lives by donating their blood at this event. The Feehan Red Cross Club will also be holding an annual bake sale during lunch the week of the blood drive to raise money for the American Red Cross, and all of the proceeds will be donated there.

 The Red Cross Club truly is back and better than ever, working hard to encourage the Bishop Feehan community to donate blood and bring attention to this important cause. Due to many blood drives being canceled in the past two years due to Covid-19, it is more crucial than ever that the Red Cross receives donations. Approximately 41,000 units of blood are used each day in the United States alone and an estimated 5 million people need blood transfusions each year throughout the United States. There is no substitute that can be used for blood, which is why it is so important that people step up and make life saving donations. The donation process is such a small part of your day, but it will make a lifelong difference for someone else. 

If you are interested in being a part of this amazing club and want to join in on the efforts to save lives, join the google classroom using the code: Inkccky

Also be sure to follow Red Cross Club on instagram @feehanredcross for other information and updates!