Dear Lucky

October 27, 2022
Dear Lucky,
I’m a freshman and wondering what is the best way to meet new people and get involved at Feehan.
An eager freshman
Dear Eager Freshman,
First of all, Welcome students and congratulations on making it through your first 2 months of school. My advice for the coming year is to get involved in as many clubs, extracurriculars, and activities as you can. With the fall sport season coming to an end, tryouts for the winter sports season is just around the corner. There are also non cut sports such as winter track, or if you plan on joining a cut sport be on the lookout for tryouts very soon.
Bishop Feehan offers numerous clubs, these clubs are a great way to socialize and become involved in the school community as well as get to know new faces while working on a project with the club or simply talking about certain issues facing our world today. You can join these clubs by looking on the bulletin board, listening to morning announcements and joining a google classroom or even asking a teacher or your guidance counselors.
Do not be afraid to ask for help, everyone has been in your spot in one way or another and the great thing is Bishop Feehan has the best community of students and faculty who are willing to help in any way.
Good Luck and Go shamrocks!