Homecoming Week Activities

Gina Simoneu

Pictured is an image of the varsity football team excitedly running out onto the field, ready to play a great game!

Kate DeVincent, Staff Writer

Homecoming week is a tradition that Bishop Feehan students look forward to all year. Class unity is a large focus during homecoming week which is reflected in each class’s individual theme. The freshman class was Hawaii, the sophomore class was the Wild West, the junior class was Hollywood, and the senior class was New York. Homecoming week is also full of fun TAG days, sporting events, and other great activities. This is what Bishop Feehan’s 2022 homecoming week entailed.

Students had Monday off due to Columbus/Indiginous Peoples Day, but on Tuesday the festivities began. It was a TAG day in which students had to dress up based on their class theme. It was so fun to see all of the different looks from around the United States.

Then on Wednesday, freshman, sophomores, and juniors crushed the PSAT, while the seniors received a day off to visit colleges of their choice!


Pictured are the seniors energetically cheering for their college bowl win! From left to right: Alysse Moskal, Jessica Ricci, Connor McHale, Benjamin Sadler, Dylan Capua. (Gina Simoneu)


On Thursday, the students had a modified TAG day in which they were able to wear a college sweatshirt over their uniform. At the end of the day, everyone attended the college bowl where a previously selected group of students competed for the college bowl title. The seniors took the win against the other classes, but sadly lost to the team of teachers.

Finally, on Friday, each varsity athletic team walked out and hyped up the crowd at the homecoming rally. Everyone cheered, and the Jazz Choir began the rally by singing the National Anthem. Next, what we had all been waiting for, the homecoming skits. The freshmen were able to perform half of theirs until the fire alarm unexpectedly went off and everyone had to rush out to the football field. The situation was quickly handled and everyone was able to go back to the gym where the sophomore, junior, and senior skits were performed!

The winners of homecoming week were the seniors for the college bowl and the homecoming skit, while the juniors took the win for hallway decorating!

To finish homecoming week, the varsity football team achieved a great win in the afternoon, and then at night the dance began. Everyone had a great time and homecoming week was such a great success!

Thank you to the student council and teachers who made homecoming week one for the books!